Project Description
The aim of the investigation is to uncover the normal variation in oropharyngeal swallowing behavior that occurs with aging by incorporating a quantitative approach for measuring physiologic observations obtained from MBS exams.

Principal Investigator:
- Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris
- Dr. Kendrea Garand
- Dr. Elizabeth Hill
- Dr. Elaine Amelia
- Dr. Bill Pearson
Aim 1: Identify and quantify age-related changes in physiologic components of oropharyngeal swallowing observed on MBSS and occurrence of airway invasion among healthy, aging adults. We will test for differences between age groups across components of swallowing physiology and occurrence of airway invasion, and determine if such differences are associated with bolus properties.
Aim 2: Measure age-related changes in dynamic shape of pharyngeal structures during swallowing among healthy, aging adults. We will test for differences between age groups in dynamic pharyngeal shape changes, and determine if shape change differences are associated with sex and bolus viscosity.
Bhutada A, Dey R, Martin-Harris B, Garand (Focht) KL. Factors influencing initiation of pharyngeal swallow in healthy adults. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020; 29: 1956-64. [PMID: 32762542] [PMCID: PMC7946333]
Garand (Focht) KL, Culp LS, Wang B, Davidson (Humphries) K, Martin-Harris B. Aging effects on esophageal transit time in the upright position during videofluoroscopy. Ann Otol Rhino Laryngol. 2020; 129(6): 618-24. [PMID: 31997657] [Corresponding author]
Milford EM, Wang B, Smith K, Choi D, Martin-Harris B, Garand (Focht) KL. Aging and sex effects on mastication performance in healthy, non-dysphagic community-dwelling adults. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020; 29(2): 705-13. [PMID: 32163297]
Garand (Focht) KL, Hill EG, Armeson K, Martin-Harris B. Aging effects on Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) total scores in healthy, community-dwelling adults. Canadian J Speech Lang Pathol Audiol. 2020; 44(1): 1-8. [PMCID: PMC7946383] [Corresponding author]
Garand (Focht) KL, Hill EG, Krug E, Armeson K, Brown A, Martin-Harris B. Bolus airway invasion observed during videofluoroscopy in healthy, non-dysphagic community-dwelling adults. Ann Otol Rhino Laryngol. 2019; 128(5): 426-32. [PMID: 30700098]
Garand (Focht) KL, Martin-Harris B, Strange C, Paoletti L, Hopkins-Rossabi T. Oropharyngeal swallow physiology and swallowing-related quality of life in patients with concomitant advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and low body mass index. Int J COPD. 2018; 13: 2663-71. [PMID: 30214184] [PMCID: PMC6122895]