This clinical trial investigates a novel swallowing treatment that trains initiation of swallowing during the expiratory phase of respiration to improve swallowing safety and efficiency. This study is actively enrolling participants. Contact us at (312) 772-3920 or for more information or to see if you are eligible to participate. Principal Investigator: [...]
Clinical Impact of Respiratory-Swallow Training on Refractory Dysphagia in Oropharyngeal Head and Neck Cancer (VA 1I0RX002352-01)
FC 2025-02-12T12:04:45-06:00The major goal of this project is to study the impact of respiratory-swallow training, including the feasibility of adding a new home practice component, on the degree and durability of clinical outcomes essential for eating, drinking, health, and quality of life in veterans with OP HNC. Principal Investigator: Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris Collaborators: [...]
Data Science Applications in Communication and Swallowing Disorders (NIH/NIDCD 2K24DC012801; Bracco Diagnostics)
FC 2023-05-15T10:44:56-05:00The major goal of this project is to train early, patient-oriented communication and swallowing scientists in big data analyses, including computer machine learning approaches. The project will uncover distinct patterns and severity of swallowing impairments in large groups of patients with high-risk medical diagnoses. Principal Investigator: Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris Collaborators: Dr. [...]
Standardization of the Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study in Bottle-Fed Infants (NIH/NIDCD, 1R01DC011290; Bracco Diagnostics)
FC 2022-05-02T13:08:49-05:00The major goal of this project is to develop a standardized, reliable and valid videofluoroscopic assessment of oropharyngeal swallowing in bottle-fed children. Principal Investigators: Dr. Maureen Lefton-Greif Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris Collaborators: Kate Davidson Heather McGhee Carolyn Barnes Aim 1. will empirically reduce components for the tool into a reliable, parsimonious, and [...]
Excess Radiation Exposure in Infants and Children from Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies (NIH/NIDDK R01DK122975-01)
FC 2022-04-29T16:51:35-05:00The major goals of this project are to determine the impact of pulse rate on the assessment of swallowing impairment severity and treatment recommendations in bottle-fed children, establish the standard radiation doses from MBSSs in children and quantify patient cancer risks from MBSSs in children. Principal Investigator: Dr. Heather Bonilha Co-Investigators: Dr. [...]
Quantifying Normal Swallow Physiology Across the Adult Lifespan (NIH/NIDCD K24DC12801; VA RR&D1IK1RX001628-01A1; NIH/NCATS TL1 TR000061)
FC 2022-05-04T13:44:27-05:00The aim of the investigation is to uncover the normal variation in oropharyngeal swallowing behavior that occurs with aging by incorporating a quantitative approach for measuring physiologic observations obtained from MBS exams. Principal Investigator: Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris Dr. Kendrea Garand Co-Investigators: Dr. Elizabeth Hill Dr. Elaine Amelia Dr. Bill Pearson Aim [...]
Novel sensor for swallowing in patients with Parkinson’s disease (Michael J. Fox Foundation NCT04664634)
FC 2022-05-02T09:46:30-05:00The purpose of this study is to validate the use of the wearable ADAM sensor in detecting respiratory movements and swallowing behavior for patients with Parkinson's disease. Principal Investigator: Dr. Bonnie Martin-Harris Collaborators: Dr. Shuai (Steve) Xu Dr. John Rogers Dr. Cagla Kantarcigil Aim 1. Refine engineering to reduce the sensor size, [...]